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RollerCup Part 1 - Gaga ,Survivor and Six!!

Thanks to GBSA skate artistic for what was a fantastic start to round 1 of the Roller Cup 2024.

Well done to all the competitors, but especially to  our elite skaters, Courtney, Olivia & Lily-May.

The morning started off with the compulsory dance section. Brilliant skate by the 3 girls and with levels called!

The afternoon came the free dances. First up was Courtney who skated to ‘Lady Gaga’ She had a fall 1/2 way through the programme, but she got up, composed herself and picked it up, well done Courtney💪🏼

Next up was Olivia with her ‘Survivor’ routine. A little wobble, but great emotional intent in the choreography, well done Liv 💪🏼

And finally Lily-May. The queen of all queens with her ‘Six’ program… she really wanted to ‘behead him!’ Well done Lils 💪🏼


7th Compulsory Dance, 9th Free Dance. Overall 6th place ⭐️


1st Compulsory Dance, 2nd Free Dance. Overall 1st place 🥇 


1st Compulsory Dance, 1st Free Dance. Overall 1st place 🥇 

The coaches are really proud of you as you 3 should be of yourselves.

That’s RC1 part 1 completed, part 2 in a few weeks!


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